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trattamenti inumani e degradanti

Stickydiritto internazionale pubblico

Antonio Marchesi (Università di Teramo) 1. A poco più di sei anni dalla loro introduzione, avvenuta quasi trent’anni dopo la ratifica italiana della Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite contro la tortura del 1984, le fattispecie di cui all’art. 613-bis e all’art. 613-ter del codice penale (qui), rubricate rispettivamente «tortura» e «istigazione

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Stickydiritto internazionale pubblico

On 24 March 2020, the First Section of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) gave formal notice to the Government of the United Kingdom of the application filed on behalf of Mr Muhammed Asif Hafeez in connection with his extradition to the United States, where he is indicted for charges of conspiracy to import heroin, methamphetamines and hashish, and aiding and abetting the manufacturing/distribution of heroin. (…) This post looks at the way in which the matter has been dealt with in the decision of the UK High Court of 31 January 2020, and advances some considerations on the main points of the dispute before the European Court of Human Rights in light of existing case law on article 3 and extradition.

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diritto internazionale pubblico

Luca d’Ambrosio, Collège de France L’image du corps d’un enfant syrien échoué sur une plage turque a provoqué une onde de choc en Europe. À l’origine de ce choc, la réduction sacrilège de corps humains à la « vie nue ». À de simples corps transportables, traçables, jetables. Et pourtant, une fois

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